The Cre8ive Arcade
Happy Harvester was created for Global Game Jam 2024. The theme was "Make Me Laugh". In Happy Harvester you are a famer that helps the people of the town by healing them with tears of joy.
Runflora: The Planetary Planter was a collaboration between Cre8ive Mines and Playfull Entertainment. In this game you work as a Planetary Planter for the planet Nomeat. It's you job to chase down runflora and make sure they grow.
Cycle Island was created for the Cultural Game Jam. It was a collaboration between Cre8ive Mines, Playfull Entertainment, and Nocture Alley. On Cycle Island your job is to help take care of the island by picking up all the trash.
Tru Hue Painter was created for the Global Game Jam for the theme duality. In this game the people in your town lost their color. They need your help. Find and retrieve each person's color.
In this game you must be a good sibling and keep track of your younger brother. The job seems easy until he takes off into the forest and it's up to you to find him and your way home.
Magician's Maze was the first Game Jam I participated in myself back in 2020. This was the beginning. In this game you must get through the magician's maze to gain all the power of the universe.